Introducing Data Labs s.r.o.

We are a genuine Czech company with longstanding practice in recovering data from damaged storage media. We associate top-class experienced professionals in both domestic and international companies.

We offer a unique approach to data recovery. Therefore, many satisfied clients take advantage of our services including domestic and international “data recovery” businesses.

Our professionals work in laboratories with special equipment. Thanks to its technical background, the laboratory is the only one of its kind in the former Eastern Europe.

We proceed in developing new and more effective procedures and technology. Our close relations with international partners allow us to gain knowledge of worldwide extent.

We always try to work as fast and as effective as possible. Our services, of course, include personal approach, high professionalism and effectiveness. These features allow us to resolve critical situations throughout the Czech Republic and other countries in Europe and worldwide everyday.­

The company Data Labs s.r.o. is registered in Prague 5, Dreyerova 627/5 under ID 27891381 and it is listed in the Company Register held by the City Court in Prague, file C 124581.